[RFI] Interference

N0RQ-lists n0rq-lists at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 19 05:54:56 PST 2012

Agreed with the comments on finding the noise yourself.  It shouldn't have
to be that way (IF it is a power pole), but that's reality.  Generally, a
decently-educated ham can do a better job of finding the noise source than
most utility investigators (Frank being an exception!).  :-)

Once you find the source (home, pole, or otherwise), then you can nicely
convince the owner of the device to resolve the situation.  ("Arcing" is
indeed a good word to use.)

Once, I tracked down something getting into our local 2m repeater (before
PL/CTCSS was required). It was fairly intermittent, but we could hear the
squealing signal slowly rise above or below the repeater input.  Using a
simple 3-element handheld beam with a 2m HT, I found the offending house.
It was one of those TV preamps in the attic, and the guy said they weren't
using it anymore, so they removed it (after I offered to replace it for

The other noise sources I track down all tend to be power poles.  How I find
them, etc, can be found on my web site:

73, Dave N0RQ

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