[RFI] Power

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Thu Jan 19 22:43:03 PST 2012

On 1/17/2012 1:35 PM, rick darwicki wrote:
> I downloaded my usage from 2007 to 2012 and looked at when I got a new "energy star" frig, dishwasher, microwave etc. No noticable differences. Daily per month/year average was up and down, same in 2007 as 2010. More related to weather and if my wife was babysitting the grandkids.
> The point of rising rates is well taken. The water company made us cut our use, then complained they had to raise the rates due to reduced income.... "energy star" and CLFs my be doing the same LOL

I can not argue that point.  We installed new high efficiency windows, 
foam insulation, added insulation overhead, and even insulated the plate 
that sets on the basement walls.  The basement walls also have 1" 
Styrofoam on the outside. We have a high efficiency furnace of 95 to 96% 
efficiency, on demand gas fired hot water,  and no incandescents left in 
the house.  We had planned on also installing Geo Thermal heating and 
cooling, but two different contractors advised us against it. Our home 
is so efficient it would have taken almost 50 years to break even. My 
shop which has the same footprint as the house is even more efficient. 
Have our bills gone down?   Welll...sorta for a little while and our 
electric rates are low, *but* they added in nearly a whole page of extra 
charges. Almost a quarter of our bill is listed as "delivery charges", 
but there's a whole list of little things that add up so we are now 
paying more than we did 10 years ago even though the charge per KWh is 
the same and we use a lot less.  They even closed several electrical 
generation plants with no public plans to replace their capacity. 
Electrical use in the state of Michigan has gone down notably (I think I 
read around 18% but not sure on that figure).  We actually have 
substantial excess grid capacity.


Roger (K8RI)
> Rick, N6PE
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