[RFI] Solar Inverter.

Neil & Heather neil.goodell at myfairpoint.net
Tue Mar 20 11:23:21 PDT 2012

The inverter is a PV Powered PVP3500,
Here is a link to there website,


And Dale, the installer is working on trying to remedy this...
but has not been able to cure the RFI yet.
The ham/owner is the one who found the EMI Filters,
and was going to have me install them just to get this fixed.
I'm still not finding a lot of feedback on these 2 filters,
Radius Power PN                       Price/Ea               Lead Time
RP135-100-100-S                    $214.50               6-8 weeks
RP605-100-100-S                    $211.85               6-8 weeks
Again, thanks for everyone's feedback and help,and the links to some
great reading material..


On 3/20/2012 12:03 PM, Neil & Heather wrote:
> I'll find out tonite,and post to the list...
> Neil
> AE1P


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