[RFI] Brickwall plus ISOBAR

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Sep 17 18:45:43 EDT 2012

On 9/17/2012 3:11 PM, Larry Benko wrote:

> I recently picked up a couple of "outlet" strips that came out of a 
> server farm.  These strips are TrippLite PDU-2430 and rack mount with 
> 24 outlets with a 120V 30A cord entering them.  The 120V cord was 
> connected to a box which I believe was a brickwall protector. The 
> interesting thing is that the 120V feed is split into two 120V 15A 
> circuits (each having a circuit breaker) and ALL safety grounds are 
> tied together inside the 24 outlet box.  The rack that this came from 
> had 2 other PDUs mounted adjacent on the same rack effectively tying 
> all safety grounds together for 6 circuits (72 outlets).

By code, all of those grounds MUST be tied together.
> By tying all the safety grounds together many of the surge issues 
> recently discussed are greatly minimized.  TrippLite touts this on 
> their web site that since all the chassis of the equipment are at the 
> same potential the damage to low voltage logic between equipment is 
> minimized.

Yes, that's really good practice.

73, Jim K9YC

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