[RFI] TVI Question

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Apr 24 13:18:03 EDT 2013

On 4/24/2013 9:28 AM, Gary Smith wrote:
> Sounds like a case of just way too much power and no frequency control 
> of it. 

NOT TRUE.  The problem is almost always poor design/construction of the 
victim equipment.  Study my RFI tutorial, previously referenced.  The 
CBer you described may have been running more than the 5W he was 
authorized, but it is VERY unlikely he was running more than the 1.5kW 
we are authorized, and hundreds of thousands of hams around the world 
manage to run that sort of power with no issues if problems in victim 
equipment are corrected.

73, Jim K9YC

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