[RFI] Topband: Another source of 160 meter RFI

donovanf at starpower.net donovanf at starpower.net
Wed Apr 24 19:36:45 EDT 2013

Before we get too euphoric about the FCC's performance in this matter, this is 
the text of an email sent to me today by the ham directly affected by this RFI: 

"So this is the third letter, and a visit by agents and there is still no action. Going 
on 3 years and the noisy pump is still interfering. Pretty impressive, this FCC ! " 


----- Original Message -----

From: "W2PM" <w2pm at aol.com> 
To: donovanf at starpower.net 
Cc: "topband" <topband at contesting.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:19:25 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: Another source of 160 meter RFI 

That is very good news. FCC was never too ready to issue a citation for incidental radiators. That's what arrl and I did with Power company here a few years ago after extensive testing and results documentation but they fixed all but one source and got away with remaining one before FCC issued citation. Prior to that CEO letter from FCC went totally ignored and Laura issued an order to fix which they responded to except for the one. (reducing to a single source allows me to mitigate the problem with MFJ nuller quite well. But this is a legal precedent now which really helps future cases I'd think. 

Sent from my iPad 

On Apr 24, 2013, at 0:49, donovanf at starpower.net wrote: 

> Official Citation issued to Ruben D. Lopez, Jr. for operation of an 
> incidental radiator, which caused harmful interference. 
> Action by: District Director, Tampa Office, South Central Region, 
> Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 04/23/2013 by Citation & Order. 
> (DA No.13-805). 
> http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-13-805A1.pdf 
> 73 
> Frank 
> W3LPL 
> All good topband ops know fine whiskey is a daylight beverage. 
> _________________ 
> Topband Reflector 

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