[RFI] Apple and Motorola Wall Chargers

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Aug 15 16:43:36 EDT 2013

I've nearly finished the project of going through my home and shack to 
search out all the noisy wall warts that are switching power supplies 
and replace them with linear warts from my junk box. My process is 
simple -- if the plug on the linear doesn't match what the device needs, 
I clip the cables to both devices, install Power Poles on the linear 
supply and line coming from the plug I want to use, toss the switcher in 
the trash and the unused plug in the junk box.

I'm down to the little white cube with integral USB jack that Apple 
supplies for use with the iPad. It's not terribly noisy, but I'd still 
like to replace it. Any suggestions for a good replacement?

BTW -- the wall wart that Motorola supplies for use with their Droid is 
pretty noisy when charging.  I tossed it, and found a suitable regulated 
5.1VDC wart.

73, Jim K9YC

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