[RFI] 160 meters RFI reduction using RF Choke on neighbors TV power cord

EZ Rhino EZRhino at fastmovers.biz
Thu Dec 5 23:27:03 EST 2013

I think dealing with the neighbor is the more difficult part, rather that fixing the actual problem...maybe you have some words of wisdom on how this was done.


On Dec 5, 2013, at 21:23 , Jim Brown wrote:

On 12/5/2013 6:28 PM, Don Kirk wrote:
> Yesterday my first attempt at eliminating the RFI turned out to be very
> rewarding.  I constructed a simple power cord RF choke for the TV using 14
> turns of a power cord on a 2.4" OD Fair-Rite #31 mix toroid core (based on
> the K9YC hams guide to RFI document).  The RFI at the neighbors house is
> considerably reduced using the choke on the TV power cord, and the RFI at
> my house appears nearly if not entirely gone.

Wow, that's great news, Don.  It's the first news I've heard of success with a plasma set.

>  I will try adding another
> choke in line with the first choke to see if additional reduction of RFI at
> my neighbors home can be achieved, but I certainly can live with the
> results of the single choke.

Good move.  Also try a choke on any other wiring connected to the TV, like input from a CATV box, antenna, or audio and video equipment.
>  I will also purchase and try a commercial two
> stage power line filter on the neighbors TV to see how it compares with the
> simple toroid choke approach.

I'd spend money on the chokes first. Remember that line filters only address differential mode noise, not common mode current.  The green wire, where the noise usually is, goes right past the filter.

Please do keep us informed. This could be really great news for other victims of a neighboring plasma set

73, Jim K9YC
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