[RFI] RFI in the news

Patrick Dyer pjdyer at swbell.net
Sat Dec 7 21:23:20 EST 2013

What an illegal CATV tap c. 30' from my TV antenna looked like on Ch 4 
(our local, KMOL, was off for this but you can imagine the zero-beat QRM 
that it caused!) - from Sept 1983. 
http://qsl.net/w/wa5iyx/images/833311.jpg   I also could get fair images 
of Cubs Baseball on their WGN egress.

The cable tech guy "fixed" it by changing out the 4-port feed in their 
backyard to a 3-port.  It was all likely just radiation from some 
300-ohm twin lead that they had connected to the coax in the house.  The 
gal there had the nerve to tell the tech that I was causing THEM TVI 
(and who else from my ingress into the CATV node through their illegal 
tap ?)

This was before Texas had enacted any "theft of services" statutes to 
cover such CATV taps so no prosecution was possible back then.  The 
renters were evicted a month later (probably for unrelated reasons).

73, Pat - WA5IYX

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