[RFI] Arc fault protection

rick darwicki n6pe at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 5 12:40:41 EST 2013

I remember when these first came out, building codes required them on the duplex outlet circuits to bedrooms so electric blankets didn't cause fires. Now a lot of states want them everywhere. 
Typical government/committe expansion of what was originally a good idea (maybe). 
Same with GFICs used to be only in bathrooms, expanded to kitchens near a sink, now ALL countertops with duplex outs in a kitchen need them even if not near the sink.
GFIs don't need a ground to work, they sense a difference in in/out current. In some older homes people install them in the old two wire dulpex outlets so they have protection and a 3 prong outlet.

Rick, N6PE
 Talk is cheap... except when Congress does it.

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