[RFI] Rhode & Scwharz Interference Hunting Webinar

Joseph Orsak jorsak at nc.rr.com
Wed Jul 31 16:07:20 EDT 2013

My good friend & colleague Paul KO4LZ will be presenting...

Interference Hunting for Improved Quality of Experience    
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2013 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

The rapid spread of wireless technologies has resulted in an increase in interference issues. In today's highly competitive mobile market, timely and efficient resolution of these issues is critical for operators to deliver a high quality of experience.

Topics to be covered include:

  a.. the impact of interference on operators
  b.. common sources and types of interference 
  c.. fundamentals of radiolocation/direction finding
  d.. the use of signal analysis
  e.. interference hunting tools
  f.. general suggestions/best practices for the engineer in the field


Joe W4WN

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