[RFI] RFI Identification Help

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 14 01:33:20 EST 2013

"That also means shutting down computers and turning off any UPS that might 
start up when the power drops."

Don't forget to remove batteries from everything you can.  Many times I've 
been plagued by a sound only to find it's in a laptop, that's shut off, my 
HT, shut off, but in standby mode with "soft start", digital cameras with 
internal clocks, electronic watches, for example, my Glycine Airman, which 
ironically wipes out reception on navigation RDF equipment, a new digital 
voice recorder to record RFI, yep, produced so much RFI nothing else could 
be heard...  My friend jumps in the car, her cell phone, which is OFF, 
generates a God awful amount of RFI, the digital camera I use to photograph 
damaged power pole equipment, it screams so much I have to turn off my 
receivers...  I can clearly hear what my daughter listens to on her MP3 
player across a couple hundred MHz...  There's a LOT more to disable than 
just flipping a main breaker, unless, of course, your RFI is 60 Hz and 
nothing else!


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