[RFI] FCC releases complaint info for Jan - Mar 13

dalej dj2001x at comcast.net
Mon Nov 18 11:50:08 EST 2013

Dale (from Dale just N. of you in Mn.)

Thanks for passing this along.

Apparently there are some plasma TV's that are quiet as one person just posted his plasma is quiet.  Some sure are not.  Next door is one of them that are not, I know of a few others that have the same problem.  It seems to me the FCC has some jurisdiction as to what electronic devices are imported and mfg here and abroad.  So what you're saying is if I mfg lets say a electronic dog fence and it generates interference in the broadcast band for blocks around, there is nothing the FCC can do about it, regarding it's mfg and sale?

Dale, k9VUJ

On 18, Nov 2013, at 9:52, Dale <svetanoff at earthlink.net> wrote:

> The current on-line issue of "In Compliance", a trade rag, had a very interesting link to information that the FCC has just recently released regarding complaints filed with the agency by consumers.  Here is the link, but please read on below it:
> http://www.incompliancemag.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2206:fcc-releases-consumer-complaints-report-for-q1-2013&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=19&utm_source=TWIC+131107+-+Full+Subs&utm_campaign=TWIC_131107_FullSubs&utm_medium=email 
> Note: you may have to copy and paste into your browser if it does not appear as an active link for you.
> Next note: I sent you the link to the article, rather than the report itself, for one interesting reason: the article tells how MANY complaints were filed, the FCC report does NOT.  What the FCC report does do is summarize the top categories of complaints filed for its various jurisdictions.  RFI issues, the primary interest of this group, fall under "Broadcasting".  Sadly, there are no details of just what these complaints amounted to or their particular subject matter.  
> There have been many recent posts on this reflector about why the FCC should do something about TVI or RFI from TVs.  My intent in posting this article is to show that as much as we feel these are important issues, the FCC does have a lot of "stuff" on its plate.  Further, as I and others have noted, there are no existing mandates for control of radiated emissions below roughly 30 MHz.  All of these factors contribute to the frustration being felt by HF ops (and SWLs, too) when their operations are subject to RFI from consumer devices - especially those belonging to their neighbors.  Sorry, no immediate relief in sight.  Those of us who are active in the world of 50 MHz and above do, at least, get some relief from Part 15 devices.
> 73, Dale
> E-N-A Systems, LLC        
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