[RFI] Can you say 'RFI'? Can you say BIG 'Fine'?

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Sat Apr 26 11:55:08 EDT 2014


Let me see if the Club will approve putting the letter on the web
page...  If they do, I'll post here.  I expect they will...  

Thanks and 73's,
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On Sat, 2014-04-26 at 08:43 -0700, Kenneth G. Gordon wrote:
> On 26 Apr 2014 at 8:20, David Cole wrote:
> > Most RFI hunts don't end in a letter to the FCC fortunately, they end
> > with a handout our club has...
> > 
> > I got with our local club, and we formed an RFI committee.  We help
> > other hams with RFI issues.  We have a handout that has been looked over
> > by a lawyer to insure we are not suggesting stupid things, etc, and when
> > we locate a source, we leave the handout for them.  It is a multi page
> > thing, and outlines all sorts of reasons RFI is bad, and some possible
> > solutions, what is RFI etc.  
> Would it be possible for you to make this handout available to the rest of us, 
> somehow?
> And any other documentation you feel might be useful?
> Ken W7EKB

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