[RFI] 1.916 Intruder?

Bob Turner Bob at n2scj.NET
Wed Dec 10 06:35:08 EST 2014

It appears to have gone away in SNJ.


-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Gary Smith
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:18 AM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] 1.916 Intruder?

Not present in CT, 5:17Z

Gary, KA1J

> Agreed.  It neither sounds like nor spectrally looks like CODAR. I 
> suppose it would be good if it were CODAR, as anecdotally they seem to be
reasonably approachable, and responsive to QRM complaints.
> Tuming right now to 4580 Khz reveals two CODAR transmitters sweeping away,
over a span of about 600 Khz.   Much different sounding than the 1916
> Scott.  NM8R
>      On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 9:11 PM, Scott Yost
<nm8rmedic at rocketmail.com> wrote:
>  Agreed.  It neither sounds like nor spectrally looks like CODAR. I 
> suppose it would be good if it were CODAR, as anecdotally they seem to be
reasonably approachable, and responsive to QRM complaints.
> Tuming right now to 4580 Khz reveals two CODAR transmitters sweeping away,
over a span of about 600 Khz.   Much different sounding than the 1916
> Scott.  NM8R
>      On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 8:56 PM, Patrick <wa4tuk-rf at comcast.net>
>  Still doesn't sound (to me) like what I found on the net for CODAR; 
> however if you are sure then so be it.
> I don't hear it tonight so maybe the email "static/hoopla/general fuss" 
> helped scare it away. All together a good result. Now that it's gone I 
> am reduced to griping about the local line noise and my neighbors fence.
> (Still an improvement !)
> ;-)
> Pat
> wa4tuk
> > Sounds like daily monitoring of CODAR for twenty plus years and 
> > about a dozen other CODAR signals heard across HF at the same time 
> > up to 26 MHz,
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