[RFI] LED Bulbs

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Wed Feb 12 13:22:09 EST 2014

> I think the bottom line is that the FCC is under funded and under staffed 
> and we amateurs are a low priority.  Maybe a concerted letter writing to 
> our congressional representatives is in order.

The funding and the staffing is there.  Who among us has looked at the 
Commission's budget and analyzed every aspect of it?   It's takes strong 
leadership to recognize a significant problem and bring about change.

When I hear these underfuding/over-worked arguments, I'm reminded of the 
movie "Dave," where Kevin Kline plays the part of our President.  To deal 
with a myriad of complex budgetary issues, he enlists the assistance of his 
CPA friend.  Together, over a couple days, they have whittled away at huge 
chunks of unnecessary spending in the federal budget.

I have no doubt that Commission funding is adequate.  Don't be all-to-quick 
to give in to that red herring.  What's needed is budget accountability and 
that includes a re-allocation of funding and a re-balancing of human 
resources and priorities.

In addition to these changes, global federal changes are needed in the 
FERS/CSRS retirement system to reign-in agency costs.  Why in 2014, are we 
still allowing federal workers to retire at the age of 55 when the 
Department of HHS's computed life span for men and women now averages 82 
years of age?   My father in-law retired under CSRS at 55. He's now 86. 
Last year marked the beginning of the period where the U.S. Government has 
paid him more in time -- and substantially more in dollars than during the 
30 year period in which he worked for a federal agency.  In total, we have 
now paid out $1.8 million to just one person -- for not working and the 
lion's share of that retirement contribution has come from U.S. tax payers. 
Let's further move toward a system where the retirement age for Congress and 
federal workers moves lock-step with Social Security, regardless of years of 

Just how much funding does it take to amend 47 CFR  15.103(d), for example? 
The Commission has always had the power to invoke a Petition for Rulemaking 
on its own motion.  Yet, despite attempts by prominent organizations like 
the the NAB and affluent AM Broadcast group owners, the Commission (via 
Congress) has yielded to the concerns of manufacturers who produce EMI/RFI 
generating appliances.   We need to severely limit Congressional influence 
by large organizations, enforce the laws already codified, and strengthen 
what's already there -- even if that means a Constitutional Amendment.

I'm not naïve in making an oversimplification of the problem.  I know change 
isn’t easy when it's human nature to leave the status quo and cave in to 
pressure, especially when your livelihood depends on it.

Paul, W9AC 

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