[RFI] LEDs etc

Randy Farmer w8fn at tx.rr.com
Fri Feb 14 12:20:28 EST 2014

Maybe it would be a good thing for the ARRL RFI guys to establish a 
relationship with CU to encourage them to do RFI testing as a routine 
part of their evaluations.

Randy, W8FN

On 2/14/2014 10:15 AM, Mike Ryan wrote:
> I called Consumers Union who publishes Consumer Reports. The rep there 
> (James) indicated that I have to go to Consumer Reports.org, then find 
> the 'contact us' section, and then the 'letter to the editor' tab.  At 
> that point I can offer the item to be tested to see if they would do 
> so. They likely will not be able to or agree to return it which is ok 
> with me. The $49 cost of this POS would be a small cost to pay to have 
> them all eventually thrown in a dumpster behind a store/any store near 
> you.  -Mike

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