[RFI] Non-RF sensitive hardwired smoke/fire alarms?

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 13 02:08:54 EDT 2014

: > tuning up, the hotel fire alarm system went off

About fifteen years ago I got a kick out of driving through large cities 
such as LA while operating HF and setting off a wave of alarms behind me.

One night I was at a coffee shop and some twit on a cell phone was leaning 
on the back of my truck and antenna.  I told my passenger, "Watch this", 
with the intent of burning the clown off my truck.  Keyed up, spun the dial 
from MF to VHF, nothing.  We got out, asked him to move and realized most 
alarms within sight, building and automotive were going off.  The coffee 
shop alarm had triggered as well as the fire alarms and silent alarm system. 

Gotta love a high density area with a plethora of garbage electronics.


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