[RFI] T8 4 bulb Fluorescent ballast needed

Mike King - KM0T scsueepe at mtcnet.net
Wed Mar 26 23:40:04 EDT 2014

Gary, if the ballast does not have a label for "residential use" then you will need to either return the fixture for one that does, or replace the ballast with one labeled as such.  Makes a big difference.  Commercial ballasts these days, especially the multi voltage input ones are horrible.


Mike - KM0T

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 26, 2014, at 10:10 PM, "Gary Smith" <Gary at ka1j.com> wrote:
> I've discovered a fluorescent fixture causing lots of RFI in this 
> house. I've replaced the bulbs but the problem persists and I have no 
> issues with any other fluorescent fixture in the house. I'm feeling 
> the ballast is to blame and may well be commercial. This one is an 
> accupro AP-RC-432IP-120-1 class P type 1 - Its a T8 with 4 bulbs in 
> the fixture and all the other fixtures have two bulbs and fortunately 
> are RF silent. 
> Any suggestions for a T8 4 bulb ballast that is RFI quiet?
> Thanks,
> Gary
> KA1J
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