[RFI] Grow-light..

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 29 00:16:40 EDT 2014

: That is not really a good idea...  What if you are wrong?

Would the DEA and ATF bother to show up if they didn't have enough evidence 
gathered on their own?

>From our viewpoint, RFI, blacked out windows, stoners and various losers 
hanging around 24/7, et c., et c, "wonder if I should call?".  No, bet 
they're more stupid than any of us and might get hurt, better not...  If 
we're right, great, if not, they would have made that determination after 
they sent out the first flunky for a drive-by to scope the place out.


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