[RFI] Grow-light..

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Sat Mar 29 01:44:32 EDT 2014

I must respectively disagree with you...  There are a number of cases,
where local police have entered the wrong residence, or a residence for
which a tip was provided, and shot the owner dead.  The last that comes
to mind was a Navy Seal, who was shot to death by the police in error, a
few years ago...  Oops, wrong house.  

One should NOT be turning people in to the Police based on a feeling,
based on an RFI issue.  We are not the police, nor should we be.  We are
not the drug enforcement squad, nor should we be.  

If you have a legitimate worry about a place, it should not matter if
you are getting RFI from it, turn it in, but don't let RFI be the
trigger for it, let common sense be the trigger.

The current system in place forces the local ham into locating the
source, (that is OK and fun sometimes), but after that is where the
problems can begin.  

We then need to contact the person or persons involved...  They may be
next door, they may be a mile away.  If it is a grow operation, then the
Ham is at risk, period.  This is not the right way to operate, people
who are trained in that should be doing the contact, not an untrained
ham.  Again, this does not seem like the right way to do things...  

Please consider signing the petition at: http://wh.gov/lpz5Y

It may do some good.  If we do nothing, this situation will not get
better, it will get worse...  

Support better RFI practices, please sign this petition:
at Whitehouse.gov


On Fri, 2014-03-28 at 21:16 -0700, KD7JYK DM09 wrote:
> : That is not really a good idea...  What if you are wrong?
> Would the DEA and ATF bother to show up if they didn't have enough evidence 
> gathered on their own?
> From our viewpoint, RFI, blacked out windows, stoners and various losers 
> hanging around 24/7, et c., et c, "wonder if I should call?".  No, bet 
> they're more stupid than any of us and might get hurt, better not...  If 
> we're right, great, if not, they would have made that determination after 
> they sent out the first flunky for a drive-by to scope the place out.
> Kurt 
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