[RFI] My RFI - a report.

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sun May 11 12:57:17 EDT 2014

Like where does this guy live that works at this company 7 miles away......

Mike W0MU

On 5/9/2014 2:01 PM, David Cole wrote:
> Hi,
> If the tech company is 7 miles away, then I would probably look closer
> to home for the source...
> I have had an all night only RFI source I have been trying to locate for
> about a year now.  I can get close, but not to the house level yet.  He
> is also taking out 5 or 6 hams, and one at 60 over S9, on all bands, 10
> through 80.  He is less than on e mile from me, every other person he is
> RFIing.
> Due to the geography it is difficult to triangulate, or even drive near
> the houses...
> However, this summer, once the rains stop, I will make a push again to
> locate him...

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