[RFI] Question for all and ARRL

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Mon May 19 21:20:05 EDT 2014

Hi Tom,
Thanks for the page on loop building BTW...  :)  Are you worried at all
about liability if someone burns down their home using a filter of your
design?  That is my big worry right now, is vetting the process to
insure that I am not exposing myself to all sort s of legal trouble.  

So far the growers all seem happy to have someone tell them they have
this problem...  I handed out the RFI letter to the local sales outlet
here in town, and they indicated they were happy to see it, and would
make sure it got into the hands of growers.  Your page is listed in it! 

I just hope they fix things, once this get rolling.

Thanks and 73's,
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On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 14:01 -0600, Tom Thompson wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I have found all of the grow light stores here in the Boulder, CO area 
> to be extremely friendly and helpful to the extent that they let me make 
> measurements in their store so I could develop a filter.  One store gave 
> me some used bulbs that still worked after a grower loaned me his 
> ballast.  I used this setup to further develop my filter.
> I , also, found that the proprietors were not aware of any RFI issues 
> with their ballasts, so your education approach is a really good idea.
> I have tested three ballasts:  the Lumatek 1000, the Micromole 1000 and 
> the  Quantum 1000 watt.  None of these ballasts were quiet. They were at 
> least 40-dB over part 18 limits.
> Tom   W0IVJ
> On 5/19/2014 1:01 PM, David Cole wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am considering assisting one of the local grow shops in town, (we live
> > in Oregon, where medical use is state approved), select a set of lights
> > that are RFI friendly...  I would appreciate any comments on this from
> > anyone, dealing with two issues:
> >
> > 1.  Could one be considered as aiding a grow operation by this, ie. is
> > there a danger legally to the person assisting the shop?
> >
> > 2.  Can anyone suggest some RFI friendly grow light setup?
> >
> > I dropped off a copy of our clubs RFI flier with the local Pot sales
> > shop here.  They say they will pass it around to the legal growers.
> >
> > I am considering a growers workshop about RFI.  Covering what RFI is,
> > how it harms things, how easy it is to locate, and what measures one
> > might take to reduce it.  I will not suggest things that could catch
> > houses on fire, etc, but only links to the various RFI sites.  It would
> > be really nice to have a list of RFI friendly grow lamps to suggest.
> >
> > It would be nice if the ARRL would ask their Attorney about question 1,
> > and post the response here in addition to anyone who might be an
> > attorney speaking out.
> >

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