[RFI] 40 Meter RFI Issue

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Aug 31 16:00:15 EDT 2015

On Fri,8/28/2015 11:59 AM, Michael Coslo wrote:
> I have an RFI Problem, on 40 meters. Using a FlexRadio

What model of Flex Radio?  Any electronics between antenna and radio?  
It might be that some electronic stage is getting overloaded by out of 
band signals. Do you see/hear anything like this when you tune far 
outside the bands?

I don't know Flex Radios at all, so others would have to provide more 
specific advice relating to the radio. I do recall though that older 
and/or lower cost models lack a pre-selector or tuned front end, making 
their input (A/D?) more susceptible to overload.

73, Jim K9YC

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