[RFI] LED Tube Lights

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Feb 23 12:51:19 EST 2015

On Mon,2/23/2015 6:20 AM, rrath at charter.net wrote:
> I am building a small shop and thinking about lighting the place with LED tube lights that fit
> the T8 fluorescent lamp fixtures.

For the last year or so, the primary lighting for my shack has been four 
of the smaller LED strips from the vendor on the link below. My strips 
are older and smaller than those listed here, and appear to be 
discontinued, but the newer larger ones are even nicer. Mine run from 
12VDC, and the combination draws about 1.2A from the 12V battery bus 
that runs everything in my shack except the power amps. I found them in 
a booth at the Pacificon and Visalia ham conventions.


For a shop, you would want a lot more light than my small system, but 
the beauty of a system like this is that the usual noise source for LED 
lighting, the power supply, is entirely within your control.

73, Jim K9YC

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