[RFI] w7ekb & ground rods

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Jan 15 18:22:51 EST 2015

On Thu,1/15/2015 1:45 PM, EDWARDS, EDDIE J wrote:
> Couple more good references for grounding and bonding standards from Motorola & Harris:

Remember that these "good practice" methods are tailored to VHF/UHF, 
with antennas bonded to the tower, coax (or hard line) bonded to the 
tower top and bottom, for well-laid out power and antenna entrances, and 
mostly for new construction. That's a bit different from our typical HF 
installations, in existing homes and apartments, and power and antennas 
often entering at widely separated points.

73, Jim K9YC

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