[RFI] w7ekb & ground rods
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Sat Jan 17 09:10:55 EST 2015
On 1/15/2015 8:35 PM, donovanf at starpower.net wrote:
> NEC quotes relevant to this discussion:
How things change. When "we" installed an underground service, in our
area 3 ground rods were required, but they are in triangle
"more-or-less" and only 3 feet apart. This was roughly 10 to 15 years
ago. All are tied together with a single ground wire back to the
common point at the entrance panel. So all ground systems tie to that
commom point
Note: I don't know the size, but those ground rods appear to be 8' and
no more than 5/16ths, or maybe 3/8ths inch.
Although I hear, "don't do it" the shortest route from the station SPG
is a direct line, under the house to the common point in the main
panel. It was that compared to nearly a 100' run around the house.
Typical rise time would allow a much higher voltage differential in the
station by going around Vs going through.
Twice I have "dug up" the rods and both times the clamps were loose.
The one time I replaced them. I've been tempted to replace them with a
current setup and larger ground rods. I thought the mechanical
connections were not to be buried, but I don't know the requirements
back then. I "assume" it was OK as the installation was hooked up be
the power company and inspected by the local inspector.
Since then we have "picked up an inspector" who worked as a union
electrician. "Rumor-has-it" according to a number of people in the area
it's difficult to get him to OK anything that was not done by a licensed
electrician even if it is perfect.
Roger (K8RI)
> Not less than two driven ground rods placed at a minimum of 6 feet
> apart when a non-metallic water piping system exists or is to be installed.
> A separate grounding conductor to each ground rod shall be utilized
> The grounding electrode conductor shall be solid or stranded , sized in
> accordance with the requirements of the NEC but shall in no case be less
> than No. 6 AWG copper or No. 4 AWG aluminum or copper-clad aluminum.
> All ground rods will be required to be minimum 1/2" x 8' copper weld or
> 5/8” x 8’ copper plated only.
> No galvanized rods or piping will be accepted as a grounding electrode.
> 73
> Frank
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Donald W. Kane via RFI" <rfi at contesting.com>
> To: eedwards at oppd.com, rfi at contesting.com
> Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 1:23:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [RFI] w7ekb & ground rods
> NEC requires minimum 6 ft. between ground electrodes..for better
> performance minimum 2X electrode length (e.g. 16 ft for 8 ft rods).
> 73
> Don
> In a message dated 1/15/2015 4:46:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> eedwards at oppd.com writes:
> Excellent point Jim. All services' grounds (AC, telephone, television,
> internet and ham shack cable entry point & ham tower) must be bonded to a
> single-point ground system. There's no limit on number of ground rods as long
> as they're bonded (i.e. tied to the same grounding system). 8 foot ground
> rods need to be within 16 ft of each other, but can be closer if needed to
> shorten cable run to each service ground connection.
> Couple more good references for grounding and bonding standards from
> Motorola & Harris:
> http://www.radioandtrunking.com/downloads/motorola/R56_2005_manual.pdf
> http://www.repeater-builder.com/ge/lbi-library/t4618r3a.pdf
> 73, de ed -K0iL
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