[RFI] Who calls the Utility???

Frank N. Haas KB4T utility.rfi.pro at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 16:17:02 EDT 2015


The electric utility gets calls from the general public mostly. That
includes the Amateur Radio community.

Calls also come from Television Cable System operators, the Telephone
company, public safety agencies, the FAA. The list is extensive.

The range of complaints vary widely from "I can hear a high pitched whine
all through my house. I'm convinced it's the power lines that run behind my
house." to buzzing heard in all manner of audio devices, voices heard in
the attic, strange behavior of television pictures, interference to
internet connections to lights flashing on and off or brighter and dimmer.

Many people suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and blame it on the
utility in vain attempts to get the utility to pay their medical bills. It
never works.

I have a special kit in my work vehicle labeled, "High Sensitivity Audio
Detection Devices." That box contains a stethoscope, Radio Shack Sound
Meter and cables to connect the sound meter to a battery operated Radio
Shack audio amplifier specially modified for my purposes.

When a customer complains about hearing the power lines, I will take the
complainant to the pole they think is the problem and have them listen to
the pole with the stethoscope. Invariably the low pitched hum of the pole
does not match what they are "sensing" in their heads (often tinnitus) and
the case closes quickly.

If necessary, we walk through the house with the amplifed Radio Shack Sound
Meter listening in spots where the customer thinks they are hearing things.
Again, invariably, nothing is heard through the sensitive mike and amp
during the survey and the case closes.

Some people refuse to believe the scientific evidence presented to them and
persist in demanding utility action. Their bones will never be found. Just
kidding. There are limits. Complainants who refuse to accept what I or we
show them and write to the President of the Utility don't get much back.
Higher ups check with me and others who have dealt with the complainant.
Based on that investigation, the utility ultimately tells the complaining
party to conclusively prove their claim or stop complaining.

It's not a job. It's an adventure.


Frank N. Haas KB4T
Utility Interference Investigator

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