[RFI] What I use to find Interference Sources

Ron Watson surveyor.ron at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 10:31:13 EDT 2015

Hello Frank, been awhile. I have been watching your posts and it seems you do not have your RE243 yet. Looking forward to your opinions of the dbm/uv readout and what the spectrum light does for you.

I would very much welcome a calibrated strength meter. At this time I have to use a step attenuator on the RE units to do trilateration work, it would be nice to have it directly without further equipment since I do quite a bit of trilateration/triangulation locating. 

Also very curious about the spectrum light, someone told me that it would interface output with GPS data, that would sure make contour mapping of area data a lot faster and easier.

I have not talked to Mike in awhile, he may have them by now.

Always appreciate your help and insight, look forward to your posts. 

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