[RFI] [Bulk] Re: Electric Fence pulsing (will get worse soon !)

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 30 17:19:19 EDT 2015

Ask your neighbor to come over and hear the noise on your radio.  Have a 
friend of HIS, wife, son, whatever, go back to his place with a 
walkie-talkie, then radio back that they are turning off the fence.  When 
the noise stops, have them turn it back on.  Do it five, ten, twenty times 
or more untill he figures it out.  "Yep, it's yours".  Ask him to prove 
otherwise if he still denies it.  If that doesn't resolve it, bill him for 
your troubles.  Your land, house, mortgage, equipment, punitive damages- per 
day...  Don't forget 30% compounded interest, daily.  Sure, he can run his 
fence, but NOT at your expense.  He's already a liar and a prick backed by 
self proclaimed geniuses not in the field or industry, what do care about 
getting along with him?  Of course, you can keep getting lied to and write 
off using your equipment as an alternative.


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