[RFI] What I use to find Interference Sources

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Fri Jul 31 00:41:09 EDT 2015

Hi again,
Is the Radar units scope just an O-Scope?  Is there anything it is doing
to "help" make a unique display for matching?

I ask because I am considering trying to construct something like that
for my FT-817ND, by adding a scope...  Is Radar unit display looking at
RF or AF, or both?

Thanks and 73's,
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On Thu, 2015-07-30 at 16:02 -0400, Frank N. Haas KB4T wrote:
> David:
> The Radar Engineers receiver is optimized for pulse noise reception. The
> receiver features a small LCD "spectrum scope" that
>  allows the operator to see the pattern of the interference signal. With
> the push of one button a snapshot of the scope screen can be saved to
> memory (only one image can be stored at a time.) When searching, the saved
> image can be called up to compare it to what may be seen along the search
> route.

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