[RFI] [Bulk] Re: Electric Fence pulsing (will get worse soon !)

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Fri Jul 31 17:34:26 EDT 2015

The folks at the power cooperative here have been very helpful
but generally lacked knowledge - though someone in the past had
acquired a specialized device - the battery was dead and also

Got the link to Mike's RFI courses?

Perhaps they could use it as an in-service.

David KD4E

> I couldn't agree less... I've been using my car radio to close in on
> noisy poles for a decade and more.  Tune to the top end of the AM band
> and drive.  Get close and take a portable radio from there.
> The local electric utility's RFI guy wants to do a good job, and has
> decent equipment but doesn't know how to use it. Last time he was
> floundering around with a receiver set around 100 MHz with a hand-held
> log periodic that from its size probably started about 300 MHz.
> Next time I see him I'm going to urge one of Mike's RFI courses.
> 73, Pete N4ZR


*David* KD4E
ARES-EC Bulloch County, Nevils, Georgia USA

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