[RFI] 40 Meter RFI Issue

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Sep 27 12:34:02 EDT 2015

On Sun,9/27/2015 5:15 AM, Larry Benko wrote:
> The Cotek S300-112 is quiet.  Cotek and Samlex are the same company or 
> divisions of the same company.  I bought the S300 about 5 years ago 
> and measured it with a LISN and spectrum analyzer and while I could 
> see emissions they were well below FCC part B.  I have never 
> experienced any interference while mobile.  The S300 is intended for 
> ambulance use I was told. 

Thanks Larry. I just poked both the Cotek and Samlex websites. Data 
sheets on the Cotek website come up missing, but some Cotek branded 
products are listed on the Samlex website.

The Samlex PST-xxx-12 series are called Pure Sine Wave Inverters and are 
specified as UL listed and FCC Part 15 Class B compliant. xxx is the 
power rating in Watts. Amazon shows the PST-300-12 at $146 with free 

73, Jim K9YC

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