[RFI] Finding house noise sources

Hare, Ed W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Wed Feb 3 13:18:10 EST 2016

In theory, there should not be any hidden junction boxes behind drywall, but as I have seen on Holmes on Homes, that's not always the case. :-)

I think I'd be inclinded to use the noise itself as my cable tracer. I'd use a VFH AM receiver with some sort of S meter and a very small loop probe at the end of a piece of coax. Many HTs receive AM in the aeronautical bands.  You may also need an attenuator to reduce the noise to a level that just moves the S meter. You can then trace the wiring behind the walls because the noise would be stronger near the wiring.

The S meter may also tell you the location of the noise source. Although it would be noisy along the entire wire, it would generally be an S unit or two higher near the source.


-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Danny Richardson
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 5:44 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Finding house noise sources


I suggest you investigate a tone generator & cable tracer kit. I got several hits list them with a web search.

Danny, K6MHE
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