[RFI] cops zero in on noisy grow light ballasts
Dave Cole
dave at nk7z.net
Thu Feb 18 10:15:31 EST 2016
Hi Gary,
Thanks again for the information, here... I will post the results of
what Jerry says...
73's, and thanks,
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On Thu, 2016-02-18 at 10:11 -0500, Gary Smith wrote:
> Dave,
> Glad this info will be of help to you in cutting back on RFI in your
> area.
> Ever since I can recall, I've thought about growing fresh veggies in
> the winter time. Always wished I didn't have to wait till Spring to
> plant in the garden. Impossible for the most of my life, plants
> under
> a floodlight don't do well and are too weak & spindly to survive.
> Some years ago, back in my Chiropractic Office I had a spare room I
> tried growing flowers in under a 1000 Watt Sodium Growlux light and
> I
> gave them away to patients as the plants matured. It was a good
> will-promo thing that was always fun but the heat it created was a
> problem as I couldn't close the door and I had to blow the heat into
> the main office and besides, it was expensive power required overall
> and was becoming less fun so I stopped doing it and sold the fixture.
> I never brought my at the time, Drake TR7 to the office to play with
> so I have no idea of if it generated RFI or not.
> I still have always admired the idea of growing veggies inside so
> they can get the effect of full sun with no cloudy days and proper
> feeding at all times. I never tried at home for the reasons above
> but
> seeing the LED module that he has and how well the plants are
> growing
> indoors, that the heat and cost of operation is so low, well, it got
> my attention. Another biggie is I like the 50,000 hours of longevity
> of the LEDs and that makes it cost effective and will probably last
> for what is left of my lifetime.
> I found out a couple more things for you to add to your handout
> about
> these:
> You are able to adjust the amount of light generated using an
> internal control (potentiometer?) you adjust with a Philips head.
> Each of the control boards offers a max of about 250W down to about
> half of that.
> The COBs are run in series to the driver, not parallel.
> The address for the heatsink manufacturer is:
> http://www.heatsinkusa.com/
> Good luck with the RFI issues.
> 73,
> Gary
> KA1J
> > Hi,
> >
> > THANK YOU! I will contact Jerry directly... Thanks again!!! Our
> > club
> > has a handout for growers, and on that handout is a list of items
> > which
> > may help in RFI cases. , and if this pans out as a useful device,
> > we
> > will add it to the list...
> >
> > You have probably helped several other hams in Oregon as well with
> > your
> > work... THANKS AGAIN!
> >
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