[RFI] FW: ARLB022 FCC's OET Clarifies Emissions Compliance Testing for RF LED Lighting Devices

JW jwin95 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 2 09:37:09 EDT 2016

Comment below.

      From: Roger (K8RI) <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>
 To: rfi at contesting.com 
 Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2016 2:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [RFI] FW: ARLB022 FCC's OET Clarifies Emissions Compliance Testing for RF LED Lighting Devices
"... it most likely would be decades before we'd see any noticeable difference in the bands.  With switch mode wall warts, it most likely would be many times that as those are thing that "get thrown in a drawer" and will show up from time to time until they fail. "
Beg to differ; the original SMPS for both my TV and DSL Router failed, after about four years, most probably, it would appear, due to cap value or ESR change (caps appear to be swelled in both devices.) 
Don't know what others, experience or thoughts are, but these devices (SMPS) under heavier, continuous load (and capable of more EMI generation) are prone to 'wear out' in under a decade. The TV set already has issues when warm, aside from a tendency to repeatedly 'reset' when cold even. 
 de Jim WB5WPA
PS Replaced he router wall-wart with a Lambda 5V linear open-frame PS and the TV supply likewise with a commercial SMPS,

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