[RFI] Wot the heck!?!?!?!?!?! 40 meters

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Jun 28 18:36:10 EDT 2016

I'm hearing something similar, but the frequencies differ a bit with the 
noise centered around 7.200 and extends +/- about 10-15 KHz. It is on 
the 80 and 160 bands and peaks around ever 60 to 70 KHz. It's much 
stronger as you go lower in frequency.
I've added nothing new, same computers, same 3 KVA 120 VAC true sin wave 
line conditioner.  Same computer and printer in my wife's office.

Amplitude seems to vary from around S5-6 in the daytime to ten to twenty 
over in the evenings.  It just kicked up to about ten over on 7.206.6 at 
somewhere around 5:30.  I was typing and not watching to catch the exact 
time.  I've not hooked up the Spectrum Analyzer (SA) to look at the 
spectrum.  Unfortunately I don't have anything up at the moment that I 
can turn. I've only checked the spacing on 40.

I do have a new neighbor to the S. I hope it's not there. She want's 
nothing to do with her neighbors.

I killed everything in here including the network and modem with no 
change.  There are so many UPS's that it's difficult to make sure 
everything is powered down. Even then, making sure ea UPS is not 
operating can be difficult.


Roger (K8RI)

On 6/26/2016 Sunday 9:15 PM, Kenneth G. Gordon wrote:
> I am hearing the darnedest signal on 40 meters, SOMEWHAT centered on 7224.36 LSB, S-
> 8 to S-9.
> Sounds like some form of data, but sounds horribly distorted.
> Anyone else hearing this grabage?
> Ken W7EKB
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