[RFI] Yet another balun question

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 29 16:49:30 EDT 2016

On 6/29/2016 1:02 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> the core used in his experimental work was a Fair-Rite #61 material. 
> This is is rather high-Q material, so its resonance is both narrow and 
> difficult to measure. It is a VERY poor material for a common mode choke 

Saw that.   The article shows good balance with his resistive test, but 
doesn't say much about efficiency mismatched.

Cores I dealt with working in EMC were usually  Fair-Rite 44 or 
Steward/Laird 28, not especially low-loss cores either, but quite common 
at Hamfests. I might see what I can do to replicate the design with  4:1 
Ruthroff followed by a 1:1 Guanella.

Cortland Richmond

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