[RFI] MFJ 5008 ultrasonic receiver

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sun May 22 11:49:19 EDT 2016

Have you looked at the new LimeSDR as the core of such a device?


100 kHz – 3.8 GHz

David KD4E

>> The APS RFI guys have the RADAR ENGINEERING ultrasonic receivers and
>> they are very marginally better than my homebrew.
>> They have a receiver now that is very effective - They can record the
>> waveform of the noise you hear - (they prefer to record from your
>> antenna ) then go in search of that matching waveform. If I was going
>> to spend any serious dollars on finding powerline arcing - I would do
>> someting that duplicates that ability .
>> I have tuned loops - and an ICOM R10 rx which is pretty effective but
>> nowhere near as good as the APS receiver . Have you looked at W0IVJ's
>> VDSL recording with a SDR -- that plus some way to record the waveform
>> would be great .
>> 73 Hank K7HP


*David* KD4E
ARES-EC Bulloch County, Nevils, Georgia USA

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Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22

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