[RFI] Noise from Switcher on 80/160

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Oct 10 15:16:54 EDT 2016

On Mon,10/10/2016 11:28 AM, Cortland Richmond wrote:
> You may find it easier to locate the emitter by listening on 65, 97.5, 
> 130 or 162.5 KHz with a LW or VLF receiver. Some handhelds will tune 
> as low as 100 KHz, and some of the portables (AOR5000, for example) 

Great suggestion, Cortland. Some other RX options -- the Tecsun 
portables all tune the LF BC band, and the PL660 is the most sensitive. 
They use a built-in loopstick at low frequencies.

The SDRPlay, sold by HRO and others for $130, goes from 150 kHz to 2 
GHz, powers from the USB port of a laptop, tablet, even Raspberry Pi, 
displays any spectrum width up to 9 MHz, and has detectors for AM, FM, 
CW, and SSB that feed the computer's audio out. There are at least four 
decent FREE software programs for Windoze and some for other platforms, 
including Mac, Linux, and Android. I bought one a few weeks ago, and am 
very impressed.

At least one of the software packages (by Simon Brown, the original 
developer of Ham Radio Deluxe) allows multiple RX windows, so you can 
monitor multiple bands at the same time. SDRuno, distributed by the 
company that sells the SDRPlay, is also quite capable. It's the only one 
I've had time to try.

73, Jim K9YC

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