[RFI] Local RFI...

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Sep 5 18:46:43 EDT 2016

On Mon,9/5/2016 1:55 PM, Kenneth G. Gordon wrote:
> Hmmm...funny you should mention that: for some time, the GFCI at our basement washing
> machine would trip off every time I was on 40 meters, but I got that fixed.

When I bought my 100 year old house in Chicago, I remodeled it, 
replacing a lot of wiring. I bought a box of GFCIs (don't recall the 
brand) and after installing them everywhere that Code required them, I 
had a few left over. One of them, in an upstairs bathroom about 10 ft 
under the feedpoint of my 80/40 dipole, tripped a lot. I replaced it 
with another unit from the same batch and replacement never tripped. So 
don't overlook the possibility that the one that's tripping happens to 
be the result of poor QC.

73, Jim K9YC

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