[RFI] 60 KHz noise Redux

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Sep 21 12:25:12 EDT 2016

On Wed,9/21/2016 5:40 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> Thanks for all the rep[lies, but I don't think we've got it yet. 

Hi Pete,

Last spring, I wrote a long applications note about chasing RX noise 
that was published in two parts by NCJ. The second part is in the most 
recent issue. It's also on my website. There is a LOT of specific advice 
about chasing this sort of noise. The average home has dozens of noise 
sources like this, and most produce RF noise that radiates on wires 
connected to them. That noise is picked up by our antennas.

73, Jim K9YC

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