[RFI] FCC RFI Question

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 21:09:20 EDT 2018

>I am happy with this response, and will wait for things to take their course.
>Again, slow, steady, and making sure you cross every "t", and dot every "i" seems to work for me. So far...

>Solving RFI just takes lots of time...

That's FB for a young ham with his whole life ahead of him.  But for
the rest of us getting up there in years, we see the time of our
precious few remaining good ham years slipping away while we wait for
something to happen and listen to noise in the mean time.  Pretty
tough to be patient when you can't be certain if you'll be around for
a year or another 10 and one of the few joys of your life is gone
because some jerk with a solar panel or grow light or something else.
I guess this helps explain why HF is so empty now.  An old man just
don't have the energy and fight for this kind of battle.


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