[RFI] FCC RFI Question

David Harmon k6xyz at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 19 06:41:43 EDT 2018

OIC....I hope so too Dave!


David Harmon
Sperry, OK

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Cole (NK7Z) [mailto:dave at nk7z.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2018 12:55 AM
To: David Harmon <k6xyz at sbcglobal.net>; 'Bob W7KD' <rgshauger at yahoo.com>; rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] FCC RFI Question

No...  I have friends that live in the country, and they have decent Internet!  Hopefully it won;'t get to that point.

73s and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z/NNR0DC)
ARRL Technical Specialist

On 08/18/2018 04:14 PM, David Harmon wrote:
> Yeah I understand that but you just can't put the rig out in a field 
> somewhere and turn it on.
> Will you have to buy some property to set up the remote or rent air 
> time from someone who has a good non-remote station?
> 73
> David Harmon
> Sperry, OK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Cole 
> (NK7Z)
> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 6:07 PM
> To: David Harmon <k6xyz at sbcglobal.net>; 'Bob W7KD' 
> <rgshauger at yahoo.com>; rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RFI] FCC RFI Question
> For me, I will probably set up my K3 at a remote location, and 
> Internet into it...  Sigh...  All my radial field needs to be redone...
> 73s and thanks,
> Dave (NK7Z/NNR0DC)
> https://www.nk7z.net
> ARRL Technical Specialist
> On 08/18/2018 03:48 PM, David Harmon wrote:
>>>> Run for cover to EchoLink.  hi hi<<
>> Gawd noooo.....
>> On the remote operation thing....what is the usual procedure?
>> Buy time from someone that has a good station out in the weeds or buy 
>> some
> property and set up your own?
>> 73
>> David Harmon
>> K6XYZ
>> Sperry, OK
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob W7KD 
>> via RFI
>> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 4:10 PM
>> To: Dave Cole (NK7Z) <dave at nk7z.net>; rfi at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [RFI] FCC RFI Question
>> Giving up is the easy way out.
>> Run for cover to EchoLink.  hi hi
>> Bob W7KD
>>         From: Dave Cole (NK7Z) <dave at nk7z.net>
>>    To: rfi at contesting.com
>>    Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 1:30 PM
>>    Subject: Re: [RFI] FCC RFI Question
>> I have been considering more and more, remoting my entire station.
>> 73s and thanks,
>> Dave (NK7Z/NNR0DC)
>> https://www.nk7z.net
>> ARRL Technical Specialist
>> On 08/18/2018 11:08 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
>>> This is why Remote Ham Radio is and will continue to be a huge thing.
>>> I understand those that wish to chase awards all from a single 
>>> location etc.  Hopefully there is more to the hobby than Honor Roll.
>>> Nobody knows when their day is coming, these issues are just as 
>>> important to the young or old.
>>> We in the west are constantly told by those on the East Coast to 
>>> move if we wanted to be treated fairly in contests.  Moving is 
>>> probably not an option for most, but if a move is in the works it 
>>> becomes even more important to put high noise cities in directions 
>>> not toward EU or
> what
>>> you are really wanting to work.    I know a number of hams that want a
>>> place near Denver but they will only look for places where Denver 
>>> metropolis is not in a good path EU, JA, etc.
>>> Peoples conveniences are probably going to win out over our little 
>>> hobby as the light rail noise generators are now about 2 miles from 
>>> my house and will extend closer and closer and there is nothing I 
>>> will be able to do to fight it.
>>> W0MU
>>> On 8/18/2018 10:17 AM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) wrote:
>>>> Rob,
>>>> If only I were a young man again, then I would not be as patient as 
>>>> I am today...  Please take the next few paragraphs in the vain they 
>>>> are given.  Respectfully.
>>>> Let me re-quote something I said in this very thread:
>>>> ==========CUT==========
>>>> I well understand your frustration with your RFI issues...  I am 
>>>> many months out in not being able to use HF at all due to RFI.  I 
>>>> am frustrated beyond belief.  Why?  My hobby of 50 years is now at 
>>>> an end until the FCC corrects the issue, I may not get Honor Roll 
>>>> as a result of this, I am 65, my time is running short.  The next 
>>>> sunspot peak may be my last...  You bet I am pissed, but I am also 
>>>> careful, and thoughtful, and I want a solution that sticks, and 
>>>> more importantly is good for the Amateur Community as a whole.
>>>> ==========CUT==========
>>>> My goal is to correct the problem in the shortest possible time, 
>>>> using all legal means possible.  We have no choice in this, unless 
>>>> we break the law.
>>>> Here are some of our choices:
>>>> 1.  Take the slow, and what I feel is a more effective course.
>>>> 2.  Scream and yell, and hope you get results.
>>>> 3.  Do something stupid and end up in jail, or worse.
>>>> 4.  Quit ham radio.
>>>> 5.  Work around the RFI until you can get it corrected.
>>>> Items 2, 3, and 4 are not acceptable to me, and should not be to 
>>>> you either.  Items 1 ,and 4 are acceptable.
>>>> We simply have no choice in this if we are to remain law abiding, 
>>>> and I intend to do just that, remain law abiding...
>>>> Carping, yelling, screaming, kicking the floor, and foot stomping, 
>>>> just make things worse for everyone.  On top of that, those steps 
>>>> are simply not an effective use of our time to correct this problem.
>>>> I want to use my remaining years as effectively as possible, and 
>>>> that means working within the existing system in a way that is
> effective.
>>>> Using ineffective methods just wastes my remaining years.
>>>> The world has changed, if we can't adopt--  well there was once a 
>>>> species of lizards called dinosaurs, we all know how that ended...
>>>> Remember in VE land their version of the FCC just stopped 
>>>> enforcement completely...  Your ONLY recourse there is via the 
>>>> court
> system...
>>>> You it takes time now in the US...
>>>> Running around and throwing rocks might work once, but more than 
>>>> likely it will make it worse for you, and for others.  Take the 
>>>> time to think things through, do it right and you sometimes get rewarded.
>>>> I have had seven grow light RFI issues in the past 5 years.  All of 
>>>> them but my current issue have been quickly solved, without the 
>>>> FCC, or the ARRL even being involved.  How?  Documentation, a 
>>>> friendly approach, and avoiding conflict where possible.
>>>> I dislike RFI as much as you, possibly more, I am ticked as hell at 
>>>> having to play all of these games!  I just want to play radio on 40 
>>>> meters in the early mornings.  I can't, and it pisses me off every 
>>>> morning I get up and can't.  I have a legal right to do this, and 
>>>> not have to put up with RFI at these levels, but...  In the real 
>>>> world, enforcement is not always equal, and it is not what it used 
>>>> to
> be.
>>>> I will correct this.  If I have to write my Congressman to get 
>>>> action, I will correct this.
>>>> If it comes to that, and I hope it does not, I want to insure I 
>>>> have done EVERYTHING correctly, and legally.  The goal is to win 
>>>> the war, not just one battle.  I want 40 meters back, and I will 
>>>> get it back...  But, as I said, sometimes solving RFI just takes time.
>>>> It is not fair, but the world is not fair...  I wish it were... So 
>>>> yes, I do understand your position, I am in that same position...
>>>> Remember, the FCC is really on our side, and they are just as 
>>>> hamstrung as we are with legal issues.  There is no magic wand for 
>>>> this...
>>>> Take care, and I hope your RFI gets solved sooner than later...
>>>> 73s and thanks,
>>>> Dave (NK7Z/NNR0DC)
>>>> https://www.nk7z.net
>>>> ARRL Technical Specialist
>>>> On 08/17/2018 06:09 PM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
>>>>>> I am happy with this response, and will wait for things to take 
>>>>>> their course.
>>>>>> Again, slow, steady, and making sure you cross every "t", and dot 
>>>>>> every "i" seems to work for me. So far...
>>>>>> Solving RFI just takes lots of time...
>>>>> That's FB for a young ham with his whole life ahead of him.  But 
>>>>> for the rest of us getting up there in years, we see the time of 
>>>>> our precious few remaining good ham years slipping away while we 
>>>>> wait for something to happen and listen to noise in the mean time.
>>>>> Pretty tough to be patient when you can't be certain if you'll be 
>>>>> around for a year or another 10 and one of the few joys of your 
>>>>> life is gone because some jerk with a solar panel or grow light or
> something else.
>>>>> I guess this helps explain why HF is so empty now.  An old man 
>>>>> just don't have the energy and fight for this kind of battle.
>>>>> 73
>>>>> Rob
>>>>> K5UJ
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