[RFI] Emergency Radio and Earbuds 021718 Noon EST

WD8ARZ wd8arz at ix.netcom.com
Sat Feb 17 12:00:48 EST 2018

I dont have the actual numbers David. Maybe that info is on the web 
somewhere. If you find it, please drop me the url, would appreciate it. 
However as I said, the Memorex Model MR4240 compares with the AM / FM 
sensitivity of the PL660 radio when I do direct real time comparisons 
with each radio tuned to the same weak station that doesnt peg the 
signal bar. If I can hear it on the PL660 a.m and f.m. bands, I can hear 
it just as well on the Memorex Model MR4240. The Tescun PL660 uses an 
internal ferrite bar antenna for a.m. and a whip for the f.m.  The 
MR4240 use the ear phone cable as the antenna for both bands.

The specs for the PL660 however are at: 

Having a couple of both radios, so its easy for me to quickly compare 
them to each other. Of course the PL660 has other bands that the MR4240 
does not.  73 fro Bill WD8ARZ in N.W. Indiana ... out

On 2/17/2018 11:35 AM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote:
> I'm guessing these are shipping specs: Weight     0.73 lbs 
> Dimensions     7 x 5 x 7 in
> What are the specs of the actual device, please? Thanks, David KD4E

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