[RFI] Emergency Radio and Earbuds 021718 Noon EST

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sat Feb 17 12:15:32 EST 2018

I was imprecise with my request.

I was just looking for the actual dimensions of the radio,
and perhaps the actual weight.

The only pockets I have that will hold a 7x5x7 radio are
in my 511 pants ...


DavidC KD4E

> I dont have the actual numbers David. Maybe that info is on the web 
> somewhere. If you find it, please drop me the url, would appreciate it. 
> However as I said, the Memorex Model MR4240 compares with the AM / FM 
> sensitivity of the PL660 radio when I do direct real time comparisons 
> with each radio tuned to the same weak station that doesnt peg the 
> signal bar. If I can hear it on the PL660 a.m and f.m. bands, I can hear 
> it just as well on the Memorex Model MR4240. The Tescun PL660 uses an 
> internal ferrite bar antenna for a.m. and a whip for the f.m.  The 
> MR4240 use the ear phone cable as the antenna for both bands.
> The specs for the PL660 however are at: 
> https://swling.com/db/2011/01/tecsun-pl-660/
> Having a couple of both radios, so its easy for me to quickly compare 
> them to each other. Of course the PL660 has other bands that the MR4240 
> does not.  73 fro Bill WD8ARZ in N.W. Indiana ... out
> On 2/17/2018 11:35 AM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote:
>> I'm guessing these are shipping specs: Weight     0.73 lbs 
>> Dimensions     7 x 5 x 7 in
>> What are the specs of the actual device, please? Thanks, David KD4E
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