[RFI] Noise location tools

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Jan 17 00:02:28 EST 2018

The local Coop power company is pretty good actually.  I am not sure 
that my issues are even power pole related yet.     We did have a very 
noisy pole about 1.5 miles away that it took Excel Energy, the big power 
company in Colorado to fix.  A closer ham worked hard on them.  That 
noise was directly at EU from my place.  Glad it is gone!

On 1/16/2018 9:53 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 1/16/2018 8:36 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
>> Other than the ultra sonic dish I have most of the other pieces parts.
> Mike,
> Understand that the dish helps zero in on the specific piece of the 
> system that's arcing. But that's the power company's job, and by 
> identifying the pole or the immediate area where the problem is, 
> they'll find it. And doing their work for them is unlikely to get it 
> fixed any faster. Indeed, power companies are fairly willing to come 
> out and troubleshoot a problem if they think it might be dangerous or 
> indicate equipment failure that could lead to a system event. But 
> getting it fixed can be a very different matter, because the working 
> groups and managers responsible for do that are often rewarded for 
> using less of their annual budgets, so if it isn't judged likely to 
> cause any problem other than in your radio, it's very unlikely that it 
> will be fixed.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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