[RFI] New solar at neighbors.

HP pfizenmayer at q.com
Fri Jul 6 20:51:46 EDT 2018

While on the subject of solar installs 

Does anyone have a contact at Sun Run that has the remotest clue about RFI - 

I talked to the factory in CA the day of neighbor's install. Took a long time to even get anyone to talk 
to -when I asked for someone who knew about radio frequency interference and told them about my 
concern with radio noise generated with the system . 

I went over and talked to a couple guys in the crew doing the install - and they said , yes the company had 
called and said I was complaining about the noise they were making !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I said no thats not what I am talking about - I am talking about radio interference your system might make. 
Blank stares - then a voice from the back of the big truck said - we have filters on our systems and have 
never had a complaint . 

They finished up that day and apparently the system could not be energized until APS came out since 
it feeds power to APS if any "left over" . I saw an APS truck several days later and the interference started. 

Hank K7HP 

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