[RFI] Smoke Detectors Beeping

Stan Zawrotny k4sbz.stan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 16:32:16 EDT 2018

OK, Given:

" A shortcoming of all of the single length, cover all bands antenna is a
directional pattern with lobes and nulls that are different on every band.
And a shortcoming of both antenna types is that it is not practical to
choke them effectively to kill the common mode current."

If that is a *given *to the problem that you have to solve, then what are
the solutions? Many people are stuck with having to install antennas of
that nature. For one reason or another, they are not able to install
something else. What do you advise them, besides RTFM? I can't tell my
electrician to RTFM.

But several people have responded with real meaningful practical ideas that
I can tell the electrician. (Oh, BTW, I am 75 years old and physically no
longer able to crawl around in the attic.)

I thank everyone for their help. *At this point I would like to close this
thread.* Jim and I have things to do.



Stan Zawrotny, K4SBZ
K4SBZ.Stan at Gmail.com

Real radio bounces off the sky.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>

> On 7/31/2018 12:09 PM, Stan Zawrotny wrote:
>> While this is not a forum to debate antennas, I would note that OCF
>> dipoles
>> continue to be a top seller among wire antennas today.
> Popularity is often as much the result of advertising as it is of value or
> suitability to the application.
> The shortcoming of ANY OCF antenna is common mode current on the feedline,
> which makes the antenna more susceptible to receive noise, and puts RF in
> the shack (and our neighbor's living room). A shortcoming of all of the
> single length, cover all bands antenna is a directional pattern with lobes
> and nulls that are different on every band. And a shortcoming of both
> antenna types is that it is not practical to choke them effectively to kill
> the common mode current.
> These are fundamental, laws of physics limitations.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> 73, Jim K9YC
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