[RFI] Light Dimmer

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Dec 10 19:07:50 EST 2019

On 12/10/2019 3:58 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
> My RFI web page has formal test reports on various LED light bulbs and 
> other devices. I have found that screw-in bulbs are, as a rule, very 
> quiet, with GE and Feit being the best measured. I have yet to find an 
> LED light *fixture* that is even remotely acceptable.

I haven't measured any of this, but my engineering brain tells me that 
any fixtures for LV lighting, including LEDs, that plug onto LINE 
VOLTAGE (120VAC) tracks include a SMPS in the base of the fixture, and 
are VERY likely to be noisy.

I've bought several LED spots and floods that run on LINE VOLTAGE, and 
am evaluating them for noise. Ideally, I'd like to replace a lot of 
ncandescent lamps in undimmed tracks.

73, Jim K9YC

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